
凯瑟琳·科尔曼文学艺术, Food, and Social Justice Summer Program invites emerging high school writers across the state and in the city of Jackson to engage the 密西西比丰富的创意写作遗产, 南方饮食方式的传统, 以及他们社区社会正义运动的历史.
为期一周的住宿项目将会进行 2023年6月4日至9日在澳门皇冠体育校园. Through writing seminars and programming led by renowned creative writing instructors, 还有特邀嘉宾, these young people will hone their skills as writers while learning the techniques of revision essential in expressing their voices through the written word.


Student participants will have the opportunity to select from workshops in:

  • Poetry
  • Fiction
  • 编剧(电影、戏剧)

完成课程的学生将获得一份 $300 stipend.

Mississippi native and MacArthur “Genius” Award Winner Kiese Laymon created and named the Catherine Coleman program in honor of his grandmother. Laymon noted, “Our hope is to 为我们社区的年轻人举办仪式研讨会和美味的食物 谁可能没有很多时间来“创造性地”写作和阅读.’

我们也希望年轻人考虑一下 在密西西比,将食物从土地带到餐桌上的创造力.” At his bequest, the Margaret Walker Center at Jackson State University is the permanent home of the 凯瑟琳·科尔曼文学艺术, Food and Justice Initiative.


Catherine Coleman

Catherine Coleman, grandmother of writer, Kiese Laymon, 1929年出生在斯科特县, Mississippi. 她从七岁起就在斯科特县的地里干活.

While nearly all of her family left Mississippi during the Great Migration, Coleman believed that she had a right to live a dignified life on the Mississippi land she worked. Unable to finish high school with her class due to this necessary field work, 科尔曼通过函授课程获得了高中文凭. 在做家政和养鸡场生产线工人的时候, she put her four children through college and made sure that three of them earned graduate degrees. 她所有的孩子和孙子都成为了老师.

康科德浸信会传教士教会的活跃成员, Coleman organized church-based summer arts programs for the children of Forest, 在密西西比住了几十年,直到糖尿病影响了她的行动能力. Kiese Laymon’s investment in Mississippi’s youth mirrors that of his grandmother, who stayed and fought for a better future for the state’s children rather than leave for promises of greater freedom and opportunities through the Great Migration to the North.

Kiese Laymon

Candace L Jackson

Charlie Braxton

Jeremy McDuffey

Maximus Wright

RaShell Smith-Spears

Shanna L Smith

Victoria Washington

Kiese Laymon

Kiese Laymon是一位来自密西西比州杰克逊的南方黑人作家. Laymon is the Libby Shearn Moody Professor of English and Creative Writing at Rice University. 雷蒙是《澳门皇冠体育》的作者, 赢得了2022年全国有色人种协进会小说形象奖, and the essay collection, 如何在美国慢慢杀死自己和他人, 被《澳门皇冠体育》评论家评为2021年最值得关注的书. Laymon’s bestselling memoir, Heavy: An American Memoir, 获得了安德鲁·卡内基杰出非虚构作品奖, 克里斯托弗·伊舍伍德自传体散文奖, 巴恩斯和诺布尔发现奖, 奥斯汀·里格斯·埃里克森心理健康媒体卓越奖, and was named one of the 50 Best Memoirs of the Past 50 Years by the New York Times. The audiobook, read by the author, was named the Audible 2019 Audiobook of the Year.

雷蒙是哈佛大学2020-2021年拉德克利夫奖学金的获得者. 雷蒙正在写书, Good God, and City Summer, Country Summer, 还有其他一些电影和电视项目. He is the founder of “凯瑟琳·科尔曼文学艺术 and Justice Initiative,” a program based out of the Margaret Walker Center at Jackson State University, 旨在帮助杰克逊的年轻人获得更舒适的阅读, writing, revising, 并在他们自己的社区里分享. Kiese Laymon于2022年获得麦克阿瑟奖学金.

Candace L Jackson

Dr. Candice Love Jackson, 澳门皇冠体育英语客座副教授earned her baccalaureate degree in English from Tougaloo College and her graduate degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  She has also held teaching appointments at Tougaloo College and Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and administrative appointments at Tougaloo College (Chair, Asst. Provost) and Kentucky State University (Provost/VPAA; Chief of Staff; Acting President).  Her scholarship centers on black popular culture, film studies, and southern literature.  She is also the director of the JXN Film Festival and the Educational Outreach Coordinator of Soarpreneur, 一家总部位于杰克逊的非盈利组织, MS.

Charlie Braxton

查理·布拉克斯顿也是三卷诗集的作者, Ascension from the Ashes (Blackwood Press 1991), Cinder’s Rekindled (Jawara Press 2013) and Embers Among the 灰烬:俳句式的诗歌 (Jawara 2018). 他的诗歌已经在各种选集中出版,包括, Trouble the Water edited by Jerry Ward, In the Tradition 由拉斯·巴拉卡和凯文·鲍威尔编辑, Step Into a World edited by Kevin Powell, Roll Call edited by Tony Medina, Soulfires 由Rohan Preston和Daniel Widerman编辑, Fertile Ground edited by Kysha N. 布朗和卡拉穆·亚·萨拉姆,还有 Bum Rush the Page: The Def Jam Poetry Anthology 由托尼·梅迪纳和路易斯·雷耶斯编辑.

In addition, his poems have appeared in numerous literary publications such as African American Review, Cutbanks, Drumvoices Review, Black Magnolias, The Minnesota Review, 圣费尔南多诗歌杂志, The Black Nation, Massiffe, Candle, 跨国文学杂志, Eyeball, Sepia Poetry Review, Specter Magazine and 圣费尔南多诗歌杂志. 

Jeremy McDuffey

Jeremy McDuffey graduated from Tougaloo College in his undergrad in English, 他现在是澳门皇冠体育的学生, 他正在攻读英语硕士学位,专攻创意写作. Jeremy是JSUWA(澳门皇冠体育写作联盟)的成员。, 他也是GESA(研究生英语学生协会)的成员。. 他的爱好包括看漫画和小说, playing with his dog Daphne, 写他的手稿和短篇小说, and practicing Muay Thai. Jeremy’s dream is to become a prominent writer in the 21st century and activist for Black rights, LGTBQIA’s rights, and Women’s rights.

Maximus Wright

马克西姆斯·赖特是亚祖城的骄傲, 密西西比人,四个孩子的父亲, Jaime, Jeremiah, Zacharius, and Jordan. 他于1997年毕业于Tougaloo学院, 他主修哲学和宗教,主修英语. 马克西姆斯受到“玛米·布朗的宝贝男孩”的指导和训练, Les Brown, as a motivational speaker and has traveled the country speaking and conducting seminars. In 2013, Maximus创立了Maximus Wright Productions, 一家专注于培养和培养密西西比人才的公司.

马克西姆斯很快就从创作和制作音乐中崛起了, sketch comedy routines, 写书和导演电影. 马克西姆斯写了三本书:, My Name is Lola (2017), and Prophet (2019) and has two films to his credit: My Name is Lola (2017) and Soul Damage (2018). 他目前正在拍摄他的最新电影《澳门皇冠体育》. In 2020, he founded the Jackson Film Festival through his non-profit, Soarpreneur. Soarpreneur已经培养出了15位首次写作的作家和编剧, has given approximately 300 filmmakers a platform to showcase their projects and in 2021 produced a 15-year-old’s first short-film. Maximus Wright is dedicated to telling the stories that need to be told and creating a platform for the next generation of Mississippi talent.

Honors and Awards:

  • 2016年-青年,天才和授权奖获得者
  • 2017年-希望灯塔获奖者2018年-黑人摇滚奖获得者
  • 2021- Kappa Alpha Psi杰出公民奖
  • 2021年-杰克逊电影节远见者奖

RaShell Smith-Spears

RaShell R. Smith-Spears is a professor of English at Jackson State University where she teaches literature and creative writing. 她的研究兴趣包括非裔美国文学, speculative fiction, and popular culture, 特别是电影和电视研究. She has published both poetry and fiction in numerous journals and anthologies, including Sycorax’s Daughters, Mississippi Noir, Dying Dahlia Review, A Lime Jewel: An Anthology for Haiti, and 黑木兰花文学杂志, among others. 她最近在英国出版了短篇小说 Obsidian Journal and poetry in Mom Egg Review. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize in Poetry and she has been accepted as a writer-in-residence at The Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow.

Shanna L Smith

Shanna L. Smith is Interim Assistant Chair and Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Modern Foreign Languages, 在澳门皇冠体育和语言交流. 她还担任大学英语教育专业的导师. 史密斯专攻非裔美国人文学和文化, and Oral History with research interests in African American women’s literature, 青少年小说中的社会正义, and oral history. 她是阿夫拉契亚诗人协会的成员. 她最近的出版物见于 Obsidian, The Researcher, POMPA, 《澳门皇冠体育》 and Black Lives Still Matter.

Victoria Washington

Victoria Marie Washington is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in English at Jackson State University. 她毕业于Tougaloo学院,是孟菲斯人. She enjoys learning new forms of West African dance and trying new recipes in the kitchen. Her writing is deeply rooted in her spirituality and is heavily influenced by her upbringing as a Southern American Black woman.


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Shanna L. Smith


Candice Love-Jackson

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